Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Rain or Shine

With the cold weather gone and the mild weather at our doorsteps, the boys are always eager to get outside. Rain or shine, they want to be outside. And for this reason, I love our house even more. Being able to send the boys out to play and keep an eye on them from anywhere on the main floor of the house is wonderful. If they want to go outside but dinner needs to be made, no problem. If they want to go outside but I need to tidy up all the toys scattered about the living room, no problem.

I am so excited for summer this year (not so much for the heat and humidity). Our boys are truly outdoor kids and I never thought I would say this but I am excited to spend all of our time outdoors (and that's saying a lot because I am not a fan of the heat...I much prefer the comforts of the air conditioning). 

There are so many things I want to do this summer like go to the zoo and have Joshua help me with my gardening and spend lots of time at the wadding pool and splash pad (especially now that Grayson is old enough to enjoy it as much as Joshua) and have picnics and go on bike rides. 

The summer holds so many possibilities for us and I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Funny Things the Boys Do

Grayson has this fairly new thing where he helps himself to snacks. It was cute at first, but now we are seriously considering putting child locks on the pantry doors. The only reason why we haven't is because we have a pretty strong hunch that it will cause Grayson to have a bit of a meltdown because this kid wants what he wants (#wantswhathewants should be his hashtag).

Three of his favourite things to take out of the pantry are cereal, crackers, and boxes of mac and cheese (no buddy, I am not making you mac and cheese for breakfast or for a snack before bed). His all time favourite has to be the crackers though because he can play a game of "come chase me Suka" with the dog. He loves it. As soon as he grabs a cracker, he's off running and occasional looks behind him to make sure Suka is chasing after him. It's cute for the first 5 minutes, but then turns tiresome when Suka eats the crackers on him.

Grayson's love of snacks is also why he was given the nickname Gus Gus, who is the mouse that is always eating in Cinderella.

Our little Gus Gus can be quite busy but his kisses, giggles, and big smiles always brighten our days.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Words

Grayson is turning into such a little boy. He definitely isn't a baby anymore. He's independent but affectionate at the same time. He is also very determined and wants what he wants. It seems each day he is learning new words or using words he already did know in the proper context. It's so cute to watch him communicate because like Chris, this kid loves to talk.

Here's a few of the things Grayson says:

Daddy (he tends to say this one pretty loudly)
Joshua (pronounced you ah)
I did it
I don't know (as he lifts up his hands and shrugs)
What's that?
Please (in sign language)
More (in sign language)
Grayson also has a few expressions and one of my favourites is when he acts surprised. His face becomes serious and he makes an "o" with his mouth. And then his faces bursts into a huge grin. It's adorable. 
We get a kick out of his communication with us. It's just so much fun.