Thursday, March 12, 2015

Alarm, Snooze, Alarm, Snooze

 Mornings always seem a bit rushed to me. They start off by Chris' alarm going off and him hitting the snooze button. This normally happens two or three times depending on the day. At the beginning of the year he had a wonderful idea to create a New Year's resolution to get up when his alarm went off (I quietly laughed to myself). I can't say I mind though because I get to sneak in some cuddles before the day starts and we can share our whacky dreams. Like this morning when Chris tells me I packed all of his clothes in formula containers so I could stack them for moving (my thought was he has way too many clothes to ever make that possible).

When we finally get ourselves out of bed it's time to get the boys ready. This is when I feel rushed. Joshua is really good and patiently waits for me to get his little brother ready. Grayson on the other hand can barely sit through his diaper change. The only thing he has on his mind is feed. me. now! I just cannot move fast enough for him. After breakfast is made and the boys have eaten, it's normally smooth sailing from there. 

Until Grayson needs a bum change and an unsuspecting mama goes to take his legs out of his sleeper and puts her fingers into something warm and mushy. Yes, that's right, poop explosion! Sometimes baby wipes just don't seem like they'll do the job and instead a hose seems more logical. 

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