It's been so long since I wrote a post and I wish I didn't fall behind. The boys are growing so fast and I want to capture everything. Things are busy for our family, but we have so much fun doing it all.
Softball season has started and this year, I had the crazy idea to join a co-ed team. A little background information on me: I'm clumsy, very clumsy and I have never played softball before, or any sport really. I grew up bowling where you can't really get hurt, yet I managed to break a knuckle bowling. So you can only imagine how softball started out. Join a softball league, Chris said, you can be more social, he said, it will be fun, he said. Where was the warning that I would more than likely catch a ball with my face?! My nose is still sore, but I am really enjoying softball and glad Chris gave me the push to join a league and get outside of my comfort zone. In case you are wondering, I play in the outfield, so I'm sure there will be a story posted by the end of the season about me tripping over my own two's bound to happen! Chris plays softball in a men's league and the boys and I try to come out to cheer him on when we can. In my humble opinion, Chris has the cutest fans out there!

Lately, Grayson has become very accident prone (#hegotitfromhismama). If he's not tripping over his own two feet than he's slipping on a book or running into a wall or just losing his balance. A couple of weeks ago (April 16th to be exact), Grayson had to get his first stitches. He got his finger closed in a door and ended up needing 4 stitches in his tiny finger. I'm not sure where the phrase "you're acting like a baby comes from" because this kid is so brave! I had a hard time changing the bandaging on his finger without getting upset and he didn't even bat an eye!
Here's Grayson with his bandaging enjoying a snack at Daddy's game
With the return of the nice weather, we have been able to spend a lot of time outdoors. We get so much use out of our backyard, it's one of our favourite things about our house. May 22nd will mark our 1 year in our new house! If only Chris had as much enthusiasm to mow the lawn as Joshua does!
Not even 2 and already driving |
Mow, mow, mow the lawn, running across the yard... |
And when it's time to wind down before bed, we have movie nights complete with popcorn! Grayson can be quite the stinker with popcorn. A week or two ago, the boys were eating their popcorn and Grayson had finished his second bowl while Joshua was still working on his first (he was so in tuned to his movie). Grayson wanted a bit more so he just reached over and grabbed a handful. Joshua tried to move over and hide his bowl from Grayson, which Grayson just thought was a challenge. So for his next move, he flopped himself across the couch on his side lying behind Joshua, reached around, and grabbed another handful...this kid is sneaky! Joshua was a good sport about it all and I couldn't stop laughing.
Movie Night |
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