The past few days have been a bit stormy. So the other night, we thought it would be fun for Joshua to stay up and watch the storm come in with us. We all sat on the porch and waited. Joshua knew the storm was coming in when he heard the thunder...that is until Chris came up with this idea to inform Joshua that that isn't thunder after all but it is in fact a potato truck that has rolled over and potatoes are falling everywhere. Joshua gave him a very skeptical look, but went along with it.
So last night when we got home, a storm was fast approaching and Joshua heard the thunder and exclaimed "mama, it's a potato truck!". I wish those potato truck drivers would be a bit more careful!
And to add to this story, last night at dinner, Joshua was distracted by a bug that was on the window outside. Before I could say anything about it, Chris quickly tells Joshua that it is a skinny window bug. Joshua told him that we need to get rid of it to which Chris told him if we did that then he wouldn't be able to eat anymore strawberries off of his strawberry plant because the window skinny bug helps the strawberries grow. Joshua was pretty satisfied with this answer and continued on with his dinner.
I'm beginning to wonder who has the bigger imagination in our house...
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