Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas 2015

I know I’m a little late on this post, but I still want to write about Christmas.

This Christmas has been the most amazing Christmas. I cannot properly describe in words how incredible it was. I’m not just saying this because of our engagement, I’m saying this because weeks before Christmas I couldn’t wait to wrap the boys’ gifts, and the weeks leading up to Christmas and watching Joshua’s excitement build was so sweet.

On Christmas Eve, we spent the late afternoon and evening with Chris’ family. Our town does a Christmas Eve parade which the boys really enjoyed. That evening, once we were home, we got Grayson to bed and wouldn’t you know it, Santa Claus made a special phone call to Joshua! Earlier that day, Chris had changed his parents’ contact in his phone to show Santa so when Chris’ dad called as Santa, Santa’s face appeared on the phone. Joshua was so excited! And every time Santa mentioned he was going to bring gifts for him and Grayson for being so good, Joshua would say “and mama too!” Talk about melting my heart!

On Christmas morning, I woke up at 4:30 and had a really hard time falling back asleep. I was so excited…I hadn’t been that excited for Christmas since I was a child myself. When 7:30 rolled around, Chris and I got up, made coffees, turned on all the lights downstairs, and then woke up the boys. The first thing Joshua exclaimed was “it’s Christmas morning!” We filmed him walking down the stairs so we could capture his reaction to the Christmas tree. He was ecstatic that Santa had brought him and his brother gifts. He knew that that Pirate Jake wrapped gifts were for him from Santa and the Cars were for Grayson from Santa. He was so good at bringing gifts to Grayson and he was so patient.

Excited for his Paw Patrol wall decals
 On a little bit of a side note here, I have to mention a gift I got for Chris. His favourite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story and we watch it every year together (even though I really do not care for it). Chris always jokes around in a serious manner that he wants a leg lamp to proudly display in our front window for his man cave in the basement. Well, being the great girlfriend (now fiancé!!) that I am, I bought him a leg lamp, it just happens to be a travel mug. This is my clever way of saying “sorry dear, but we will not be buying a leg lamp any time soon.”

Needed a break from unwrapping gifts

Playing with their new toy
Later that morning, Chris’ family came over to have breakfast and open gifts and then in the afternoon, my family came over, including our newest nephew Nikos. We enjoyed Christmas dinner with them and Joshua was completely in awe of his baby cousin. He would have held him all day if he had the chance.

This Christmas was magical. I cannot wait to see the excitement in Joshua and Grayson’s eyes next year! 

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