Now that the boys are getting a bit older and interacting
more and more with each other, Chris and I have noticed that they get into a
lot of shenanigans. Because of this, we often refer to them as our hooligans or
Thing 1 and Thing 2. Grayson also has the nickname Gus Gus, who is a mouse from
Cinderella who loves his snacks so the nickname is very fitting for Grayson.
Since the boys do so many things, I’m going to start posting
some of the fun ones (or at least fun to us) as a way to remember the small
moments that brightened our day.
So here goes:
This past weekend, Joshua got to spend the day with Gramma
and Granpa after church. So Gramma (my claustrophobic mom) took Joshua to a
large indoor playground that had big enclosed slides and lots of tunnels. Of
course, Joshua wanted to share all of the fun he was having with Gramma and
insisted she come play with him. When they got to the top of the playground and
Gramma was trying to convince Joshua to go down the slide, he thought it would
be a great idea that she try it out first and he pushed her down. Now, I found
this story hysterical (and I am told that all of the other parents and
grandparents at the playground did as well). I can only imagine the shrieks
they heard as she was coming down the slide and how proud Joshua must have been
when he met her at the bottom.
Now, to make this story even better, Gramma is going to have
to take Joshua back because all he talks about now is going to this indoor
playground. Case in point, Joshua was sound asleep last night with his sheet
pulled over his head. When I pried pulled the sheet out from under him,
he woke up and sat straight up and exclaimed “go to indoor playground, mama?”
He’s a monkey!
And as for Grayson, the other
night, Chris and I were having a late dinner since the boys had already eaten.
When I got home with the boys, we let them play for a bit before bed and Chris
and I were catching up on our days in the kitchen. Grayson strolled into the
kitchen and wanted the fridge opened (which he can sometimes do on his own but
he normally tries to open it from the wrong side). I assumed he was just going
to grab his sippy cup of milk, but nope, he had grabbed a piece of cooked
chicken (it had already been cut in preparation of our dinner) and walked away
from the fridge with his snack. He was pretty proud of himself with his
discovery. And this is why the nickname Gus Gus is so fitting.
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