Monday, May 11, 2015

1, 2, 3, GO!

So much has happened in the last 2 months. It seems that Joshua and Grayson learn something new every day, Chris has finished hockey and has now started baseball, I now prefer regular coffee over flavoured coffee (definitely didn't see Chris EVER converting me, but it's happening), and we're moving!!!

Chris and I have been looking at houses for a while (not gonna lie, I thought it was the cutest thing when he would send me listings to look at that he thought I would be interested in). Beginning of February, he found my dream had everything I wanted (not only did it have one window over the jetted tub in the master ensuite, it had two!!). We weren't in the market to buy a house, but I was so excited to know there were houses that we would be interested in in the area we wanted.

Our decision to actually buy a house came one night during one of Chris' hockey tournaments. I'm not exactly sure how it all came about but we were talking to friends about my dream house and what I wanted and we just decided we should go for it. The next day we talked about it a bit more and made the decision to sell my house and buy a house together for our family.

Fast forward to fixing the banister on the stairs, decluttering, hiding everything (and I mean everything) in closets, and a good deep clean and this house was on the market. No one tells you what a pain it is to pack up two kids for showings. But it was worth it because the house sold in a matter of days!

Chris and I looked at two houses, one of which happened to be my dream home. I was in love the moment I walked in the front door. I was picturing raising our family in that home, which room would be Joshua's and which one would be Grayson's, how we would set up our master bedroom, new furniture for our living room. So the next day when we put in an offer and lost out on the house because of multiple offers, I was so upset. Not only did we lose out on a house we both loved and both wanted, but houses were few and far between in the area we wanted and we only had 90 days to find a home.

From the very beginning we said if it's meant to be, it will be. From the moment I saw the pictures of the house, I knew I wanted it. Chris always said "Kelsey, if it's meant to be, it will still be there when we want to buy." Well it was there, right at our fingertips, and then we lost. And then, about a week and a half later, I received a phone call from our realtor that the offer was falling apart and if we were still interested, we could offer again. After a few frantic phone calls back and forth with Chris (not even sure how he understood me in all of my excitement) and emails back and forth with the realtor, our offer was typed and everything was signed on the dotted line. That day was a whirlwind! Chris and I were watching TV together when we got the call that our offer was accepted and since then, it's been go, go go!

We move in 11 more sleeps and I am so excited to start this new chapter in our lives. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else but Chris by my side.

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