Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day

Oh, Mother's Day, a day for me to just put up my feet and relax, a day to sleep in and enjoy the quiet, a day to forget about the dishes and laundry. Okay, I know I'm not fooling anyone. Mother's Day is about being woken up by an excited toddler and a clapping, giggling baby. It's about enjoying all of the noise because a house without the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps and the grunting from the efforts of a baby new to crawling is far too quiet. It's about watching my children enjoy their waffles and make a mess of the kitchen. It's about spending time as a family. And that's exactly what we did.

On Saturday, we spent the day with my family and had them over for a BBQ. We sat outside together and enjoyed each other's company. And then on Sunday we spent the day with Chris' family. We went to the beach and let the sand warm our feet. Grayson dipped his toes in the lake for the first time, something he was very unsure about made obvious by him lifting up his legs. And then Chris and I spent the rest of the day at home with our boys. It was the perfect weekend. 

I am so blessed to have two amazing boys. It's because of them that I get to be a mommy and it's because of them that I feel a love like no other. These two boys took my breath away the moment I held them in my arms. I am so very grateful to chase after a busy toddler and hear the laughter in his voice. I am so very grateful to watch Grayson explore the world around him and see the fascination in his eyes. I am so very grateful to be Joshua and Grayson's mommy. 

Our house is never quiet, it's busy and hectic and sometimes even chaotic, but it's what makes it our home. 

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